Wednesday, July 3, 2013


The way is being made clear for you in this time of darkness, for I am your light walking with you.

Here among My chosen few, a courage and faith, exists that will carry you through the coming trials.
Your strength will be in your unity, as one cohort, do not separate or judge one another or cause any dissension among yourselves.

I have a kingdom ready for you My faithful followers, who will persevere until I walk among you.

Keep in prayer, your thoughts must not be in worry and concerns, pray, praise and bring Me glory.

Your world is now in a whirlwind of changes, so much confusion and unordered demands and stress, bombarding all, especially those who seek a solution, and comfort from pain and suffering.

To whom shall they go?  So many questions, left unanswered, they do not seek Me until there are no other alternatives.

When their answers are delayed, they assume as they had presumed, that I would not act anyway.

Tell them, pray with them, let them feel My love through you, encourage those who have lost their faith in Me, I am giving you a special grace, of desire and ability to aid them in ways of conversion.

There is no more time to waste, let Me not find you sleeping, for many are in danger of being forever lost, My desire is that none be lost.

People of My love, share My goodness and mercy with them, through your actions, it is what will speak the loudest, your testimony is required, you were once in darkness.

Increase your capacity to love and serve through fasting, this shows Me your willingness to sacrifice for the sake of others’ salvation.

Nothing works more quickly in the growth of prayer and uniting fervently with Me, than with fasting, for you will need to be strong in the coming times.

The accomplishment of My Will is produced when you forget self and, proceed with the directions and orders that you will hear Me speak.

I am forming you all in readiness for the coming battle, your surrendered will is what I require in order to bring first in your homes, the peace and harmony, that you will bring to others.

Soon you will see Me, but for now use your faith eyes to worship and draw near to the One who entices you to love as I have loved you.


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