Tuesday, April 2, 2013



You have been raised to new life, seated with Me on high.

Do you not sense a higher calling, in that I have called you by name, to be with Me and with the Father.

Meditate on the fact that your name is written and known in the Heavens.

Great and marvelous are the tasks consigned to you, though they may be but a cup of water to another.

But you must abandon yourselves to Me, clinging to nothing whatsoever, in order to be free on earth.

What you hang on to for security, are the very things that restrain your progress in prayer and works.

Your Blessed Mother has asked that you fast and pray, these are not mere suggestions, but the very tools that will help you to be where you aspire to be.

For time is of the essence now, and it must not be wasted and put off till later, I am preparing and
equipping you for an urgent need of evangelizing in the world, I call many, few respond to Me.

Glorious are the gifts I've assembled for you, and it is good that you possess them, in order to be free of fear of the coming chastisements for the world.
These favours I wish to bestow upon you, will make you relinquish all in the world, and enable you to become fearless even to death.

You will not fear persecution because it will be My Will that is allowing it, nor will you fear the loss of  any material possessions, that ultimately do not lead to Me.

When you lift even your thoughts to Me, My joy is increased and I bless you with more grace for
distancing yourselves from all that is not for My Glory.

Gratitude and humility are what you shall clothe yourselves in, as you grow in prayer and reflection.

I will give you ears to hear Me, and ears to hear even the silent cry of your brothers and sisters.

I will give you eyes that will see Me, where you did not expect to see Me, but you must not seek them.

When you go about seeking consolations, you will not receive them, for what I desire is that you serve your fellowman without compensation.

For what is most important will be the good deeds, that you will accomplish within My love, that flows from My Spirit in you.

Seek to perform your duty well, I am in the work that you do, O My Beloved, seek to know only your
nothingness and poverty, there you will be gaining Resurrection power in your life here and now.


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