Thursday, October 21, 2010



Can My followers expect to avoid the weight of the cross, the pain of rejection from those who once were trusted, the feeling of abandonment and all that life entails?

Is My Church being prepared for what is to come in as much as can be expected in persecution of its faithful members?

My children what needs to be done is being arranged by the Father and the Holy Spirit in light of all the present darkness infiltrating the world which seems to be taken up by so much consumerism.

Go about your lives trusting in the love and in the victory which you must claim in your words spoken from your hearts.

This is My headquarters from which I operate love into the world.

Through My faithful and docile children will come the Kingdom which was destined for eternity, My reign.

At each Mass, receive anew the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Receive it as a tangible thing that calms all that causes unsettled feelings welling up in the absence of faith that has been yet untested.

How many of your community are in need of healing of every kind with no one to minister to them, even to pray for them?

Could I not heal them now or do you think I have a purpose for their suffering?

Will you not risk asking Me in the hope of receiving what I purpose for them.

I tell you truly there is a mystery in My Word that is so precious and lovely that it makes weeping flow from eyes that were once a dry desert.

Those that never knew compassion for their fellow human beings are being awakened, and I am using you in ways you would have wanted but dared not asked to be used.

But you must quiet your heart to hear Me, not once but again and again constantly.

I find many who fear to do this, it frightens them in the unknown realm of trusting.

This quiet sound, where I let you hear your own heart beat gets you in touch with the secrets of the universe.

I will reveal the depths of My love for you and this will allow love to form new heights in you yet unrealized but which have been there since before your creation.

Oh, that you could know your full potential and be fully alive even in the midst of any circumstance in which you presently find yourself.

Does this sound to you to be unattainable?

I assure you it is My plan for you, reach out and grasp the hand of the living God and believe what is yours to claim as My chosen and gifted child.


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