Saturday, April 5, 2014


I have given each of you a cross, out of love that you might imitate and follow Me as you carry it.

I give it out of love and require you to both receive and carry it in love, for otherwise it will be too heavy to carry.

I was given the cross to carry for love of you and I gladly gave up My life.  Your cross is chosen especially for you, though you may wish to be released from the burden, I assure you that I will be with you to aid.

I seek lowly Souls among the throngs of peoples, to be shining examples of greatness, in the quiet, humble, and loving service given to others for love of Me.

It is because they always seek Me and they therefore have found Me, again and again, they find Me as they serve their fellowman, infiltrating cities and towns everywhere, lighting the way for many.

They have found their Redeemer and are doing good deeds that are inspired by the Holy Spirit, forgetting themselves as they diligently work for the good of others.

Comforting the afflicted and mourning with those in sorrow, they are driven to be hope in places where hope has been lost, peace and unity is being restored among My people.

I have given them freedom from sin and death in order that they may become My agents of love in this fallen world.

As My Father directed My work on earth, so do I direct My lowly Souls for the purpose for which they were created.

With sin and death no longer clinging to them, they have the freedom to live with a power that is released in them that otherwise would have been stifled.

As love fills their hearts, they no longer make distinctions of race, creed or color, neither for the rich or the poor do they discriminate, not even for the friendly nor the disgruntled.

I am letting them see as My Father allowed Me to see with eyes of love, the needs of their neighbor, so varied in all the pains and heartaches that one may endure.

If you would be that lowly Soul, you must be willing to forego your present desires and wants for the good of others, but soon, very soon you will reap your reward I assure you.

Satan, if he cannot attain his goal in getting you to fall into grave sin, he will entice you to overwork in doing good works, in order that you be too tired to pray.

But prayer is your safeguard in order that you be regenerated and not try to run on your own steam.

I am your God, always am I with you, always do I love you, you can do nothing to make Me love you more or to love you less, I am always seeking the lowly Soul for this is a time for saving the lost.


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