Sunday, August 3, 2014


I am bringing about a time of testing for those who are Mine in this time of grace, I alone know your capability and desire to help you grow into spiritual greatness.

It shall be a fortifying and building of your character, one which will show you your weaknesses and your potential for growth.

None are in favour of change for it is often difficult, yet because of My great love for you, a strengthening and purifying is necessary.

Soon enough this time of grace will have come to an end and there will be decisions of morality and faith to be made, you must be ready.

Your children will seek guidance and direction from you, where previously they would have rejected your advice and example.

Do not be surprised that it is 3:00 am when you are awakened, the DIVINE MERCY said at this time will reap great blessings for you and for the stranger for whom you pray.

I understand that you are weary from your day’s struggles, but will you say “no” to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration to pray, would you give up some sleep for them?

Time is short with many problems and worries bombarding your thoughts these days, but you must not be distracted in your efforts to do good which are necessary in your life.

There is nothing that shall be impossible for God, I challenge you to think BIG and believe in the love I want to do through none other than you, it is your time now.

In your littleness and weakness, do not consider yourself incapable of anything that I have put in motion for you to accomplish.

Fear will only paralyze you and so render you defeated in life, unless you have courage to overcome timidity with Faith, which I will bless with when you show Me even a small effort on your part.

You were never left alone, your Blessed Mother, the Holy Trinity and all the Heavenly Court accompany you in your earthly triumphs and help you overcome defeat.

Those Souls in Purgatory whom you have so valiantly and consistently prayed for also are in your corner as you are their hero for praying in their time of need.


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