Saturday, October 11, 2014


2014-10-09                                                                      INRI

What God is preparing for the world, Creation has never seen before but all has been foretold in Scripture.

Do you study and know the Word, for I can be known there, the Word is alive with instruction for your freedom.

All are seeking freedom in one way or another, from their addictions, from innumerable sicknesses, from greed of possessions for it is never enough, from illicit relationships that they are not able to leave, from the lure of monetary gain that goes beyond what is necessary for their life and on and on.

Each of you are really in search of peace of heart and of Soul, and it is for this reason that I am here to say to you that I am the answer to every need, the answer to every lonely Soul who has never felt the love of the Father or quite often never even felt the love of their earthly father.

I alone am the One to cast out doubt, to calm the fierce battle for your mind when your conscience rages relentlessly from guilt of sin.

Satan would have you believe that he has won and that it is useless to try to begin again, he tries to convince you that self ambition and gain are beneficial and most necessary if you would make it in thisworld.

You are My child and My plans for you have been from the beginning of time, they have been set in motion and are progressing according to your mission.

Never succumb to defeat even in the midst of overwhelming odds that may be set against you for you have never been left alone, not even for one second.

Mother Mary bids you carry the Rosary as a sign to the Evil One, that you belong to the Immaculate Virgin as Her servant and Her possession.

Though you cannot presently see beyond your troubles and trials, you are carrying on day by day in trust of Me, that I will bring you through every difficulty according to My Will.

Say always that you have great confidence and trust in Me and I will never allow your faith in Me to fail or allow your trust in Me to go unrewarded.

Do not fear though the very earth be shaken and though everyone around you fall, I will still be there with you through all that you will endure, to strengthen you and lead you.

When I sent out My disciples on their missions of love, to heal and to teach the Gospel, I did not send them out with any bag, or extra cloak or anything, will I not also do the same for you?

And if you now would quiet your heart, that may at times feel alarm in the midst of the chaos, listen to the still small voice, that will gently lead and instruct you in all that you need to do.

The next person that approaches you may not know My love for him, here I will allow you the opportunity to reveal My love, the words of your mouth will pour forth from a heart united to Mine.

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