Thursday, April 2, 2015


2015-04-02                                                          INRI

Because you are the most unlikely candidate, I have chosen you.

I have chosen you that My light may more brightly shine in the darkness that pervades this world, that all may know that it is I Who am purifying all for the Kingdom.

All of you make up My Body, those of Heaven who are already perfected, those in transition who are yet in suffering, and those of earth who are My militant soldiers.

All together and each moment, not ever being separated even in the worst of times, you are with Me for I am the Head of the Body the Church.

Angels and Saints are all interceding for you, and most especially My Mother, who is also your mother for I gave Her to you at the foot of the Cross.

Pray for all the Souls who suffer in transition as they await your prayers and sacrifices, your family and others who suffer but with hope in seeing My Face, as they pray also for you, no longer being able to pray for themselves.

The Father has a great plan for your life and everything, unless it does not benefit you, that goes on in your day will be allowed in order to prepare you to enter the gates of Paradise.

It is your homeland that you must be made ready to inherit at the end of your days when it shall be appointed to be the time of your judgment.

You will be given a cross which you must carry with love and perseverance while on earth.

There will be no exception for all must follow Me, but it is your acceptance that will make the difference of whether you are in joy or kicking the goad.

Learn from Me and do not neglect to come to know Me through the Scriptures, for they have been written and given to you for instruction, consolation and for your benefit.

Know how great an entourage surrounds you constantly, and the great Wisdom that has been given to your Guardian Angel, whom I have especially chosen to aid you in every way, in order that together you may enter Heaven.

Satan has distracted many of My followers, but it must never be thought too late to get back on track for great and infinite is My Mercy for all.

Adoration gains the most and greatest graces to ready your heart, do listen in quiet, and allow Me to supply what is your need and desire.

You need not busy your mind trying to think of clever phrases to reach Me for I am already in your heart, My sigh is for the ones who do not come and are farthest away from the love I wish to give them.

You are on your way home My child, your Father awaits you, do not let anything hamper our reunion.

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