2017-02-22 INRI
The most important act you will perform each day is to pray, if possible attend and pray the Mass.
For in the Mass you receive the Giver of all gifts Himself, the times are urgent and your enemy prowls waiting for an opportune moment of weakness to defeat your resolve, I am your recourse.
Chaos is everywhere and the Truth is being violated daily in the political realm and in society as the bigotry and hatred run rampant against the most vulnerable of My people.
In prayer I will instruct and strengthen your convictions, you are to obey as I speak to your heart, your priorities for your life must be defined through the Words of the Gospels.
Throughout the world, My Mother has appeared and has given many messages to pray, pray, pray.
She is telling Her children to convert by prayer and fasting, it is time to get serious in your resolve, no longer must you put off discovering what is clouding our relationship.
Have you become complacent and tired of hearing this mandate to pray, I am not pleased with lukewarm prayers that do not lead to either a desire to love in a greater capacity Me or your neighbour.
Yes, I will call you to penance, you need not fear for the results will be freeing and peace will ensue.
When you pray sincerely, your heart will soften and I will unite My Heart with yours, I am compassionate and forgiving, all things are possible through Me, believe and be healed.
Again I say there is an urgency in these times, and it is the action of My faithful that I depend on to change the world, the grace offered by the Spirit is crucial for today.
You are not to remain idle, pray always and not only in times of trouble, but even in such times you will be made ready with every conviction needed.
One at a time let go of those things that occupy your time, those unproductive activities that do not lead to God, they do not advance you for eternity and waste your valuable time.
Follow in My Footsteps, I often went to pray to My Father, alone on the mountain, where I could be strengthened and empowered for My Mission on earth, if I needed to pray, how much more do you.
Do not procrastinate, for this would be irresponsible and foolish, you are the example for your children and those for whom you are responsible, even the stranger who passes by, for these I will hold you accountable.
If you would trust and not cease in prayer, you will taste and see My Goodness, yet I will share with you that My Heart breaks that so few seek a deep relationship with Me, most ignore and forget My presence.
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