Sunday, May 9, 2010

Prophecy at St. Michael's Church Oct 29, 2000

With Notes from Father Sam

Some of the copies of prophecies that I received from Father Sam have notes on them, as he has said to me, and repeated as recently as at the last prayer meeting at St. Michael's that we should spend at least a half hour with each prophetic word received, to discern it for ourselves and for our own lives.

My children, it was I who called you here together
Like so many times before.
Open your hearts and receive my word;
The world needs you more and more.

No one can stop what I've begun,
And I will be faithful to my words.
My sheep are searching for the truth;
I will bring glory and victory to my Church.

You must pass through many valleys.
Do not lose heart but be very still.
Walk with Jesus, my beloved Son,
And be obedient to my will.

I will bring growth, hope and conversion.
Persevere my dear ones; do as I ask.
Difficiult and winding will be your path,
And even heavier your task.

Celebrate this year of Great Jubilee,
And bring my joy to a world so dark and cold.
A new heaven and a new earth are upon you;
You will see my plan unfold.

Step out in boldness.
You are the pillars of my Church.
Do not quench my Holy Spirit.
Even though at times it hurts.

I am your God, and I am here with you.
Hear my call for you today.
Oh, how I long to draw you closer,
To receive my love and let me lead the way.

A still, small voice is speaking to you
In the silence of your heart.
I am calling you to holiness, to be reconciled.
You are my chosen ones, a nation set apart.

Go forth with eagerness and deep conviction.
To you I will bring my plan about.
Take heed, my dear ones, to this word, this message;
You have a mission to carry out.

I will set a new fire upon my Church;
Do not destroy, but help me upbuild.
Shine with the light of Jesus, my Son,
So that others may be Spirit filled.
Some of the things that Father Sam noted about this prophecy are that we will go through many valleys, and a difficult and winding paths, to which he says PTLA (Praise the Lord Anyway), that our failure to be drawn closer to God is due to the distractedness we feel by the world.

To the line in the prophecy that says "I am calling you to holiness, to be reconciled," he comments that we are to use the sacraments, especially confession, and that having them available to us makes us So Blessed.

God asks us to take heed to the message, to which Father notes that we do not listen or do what God wills of us often, and that He needs us to listen and follow.

He concludes that the Fire of the Holy Spirit is for his children, those who follow His Son.  He needs us as instruments.  Jesus gave us the example and we have the Spirit, which others needs, and God needs us who have received the Spirit to not hide it under a bushel basket.

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