Friday, January 8, 2010

Matters Of The Heart


Choose to forgive not vengeance.
Do not think, that you must wait until your feelings are in line with your wiil.
You will know that you are forgiving others, who hurt and offend you, when you begin to pray and wish them well.

Do not Worry so much in prayer about form, I look only at the heart.
When you remain in Me, you have My love in you, with which to love others.
When you pray, do it slowly; I do not tally the amount but only the love and sincere effort to communicate to Me your thankfulness, needs, for yourself and others, needs of the country, leaders and world.

I want you to meditate on the wounds that have ultimately saved you.
My hands are nailed to the cross. It was My Father’s Will and Mine and I want you to identify your life and sufferings with each wound.
Do you, in your time here on earth, see that, sometimes you surrender; what you would have rather done with your hands?
I am speaking of doing either your duty or a good deed for someone else instead of your pleasure.
Your willingness pleases Me, and more grace is given you for a greater surrender.
Take each wound and see how My Will is accomplished through you, if you will conform your will.
Those who are disabled find themselves nailed to the cross, but only as they submit willingly to Divine Providence will they find joy in their sufferings.

I am goodness and love, and I choose for you only the very best means for you to attain your reward, Heaven,
Trust in your Father to get you there, He will, but in the time you have here on earth, for I am also Lord of time,
Make the best choice for happiness, by remaining in My Love.

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