Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Cross Beam of Love


I have put My yoke upon your shoulders.

It is a burden of Love which I commission you to carry on.

All will be done for the sake of those for whom salvation has been gained.

I breathe My Spirit upon you to empower you in the most difficult circumstances into which I will place you.

Deception will be everywhere, ask for discernment, ask for direction and ask for Wisdom.

You will be dealing with evil beyond your understanding but I will be with you.

The cross beam upon your shoulders is My own arm over you.

I am not only beside you but in your very self.

Know that whatever is surrendered to the cause of the Kingdom will be greatly rewarded.

You are being asked to carry the cross in following Me.

I desire greatly the souls whose hearts have not yet been given to the Sacrificial Lamb of God.

You will find peace and contentment in doing what I have long planned for the ones who respond.

Slowly the world is being shaken but is it recognizing what I am doing?

Does it realize the call to repentance and humility before its’ God who alone deserves worship?

My children, My desire is for you for your sincere acceptance of your place within the world I have created.

You do not need to see the scope of all that I have in mind but only your next step

Be confident in My love for you and do not let fear control you for I have given you the power to overcome.

Be open to new ideas which will lead to evangelization of those whom as yet you had not considered.

Prayer should be a quiet conversation with Me heart to heart.

Sometimes just sit in My presence completely at peace and happy.

Sit at My feet and listen to Me as I tell you of My love for you.

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