Friday, April 2, 2010

And They Shall Be My People


The Covenant that I have established with you is in My Blood and it shall never be revoked. Few are coming to Me with heartfelt sorrow for the repentance of their sins. So readily would I forgive them and set them on a new and fruitful path to their benefit and that of their families. There is no good enjoyed by them that will not resonate to all around them indeed the world would benefit and be glad.

Little one, put praise upon your lips and in your heart for all My merits and goodness. Every moment of your precious life has been accounted for and I have suffered much for your redemption. You give much pleasure to Me in your time of quiet reflection especially during My Passion.

Kiss the feet, Wet them with your tears and see them nailed to the object which will bring about for you salvation.  
I have chosen you and My eyes have never left you not for a single moment

I desire that you spend your time of recreation in the elevated happiness that comes from having spent time with your Lord and Master.
Nothing can bring more joy to you and others than this communion.  
The world and all its troubles, even the ones that effect you now, are put into the distance and do not interfere with My visit.

Staying close I will make of you a conduit of My love for the world.
Don’t be afraid of anything regarding this matter as I will bring all into motion with your fidelity and the giving of your will to Me.  
Such plans have I for the ones who will cooperate.
Notice even within yourself the changes that have come about.
Some quickly and some very slowly but surely.
All for the good of My people, My chosen and faithful ones whom love will always protect and secure.

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