Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lord That I May See


I have clothed Myself with your priest,
I have clothed Myself with you!
When you see with the eyes of faith you will see Me in him, in those I have placed around you, in yourself and in the happenings of your life.

Do not be surprised at suffering you may experience or in what you see touching your comfortable dwellings for l mean to wake the complacent and dull into a new realization of My presence.

Remember that you My child represent Me and being a member of The Body, My Church, are responsible not only for yourself but others in whatever you do.

Make the effort to practice good works each day but, let it be our secret, it pleases Me to inspire you to love in My Name.
As the world around you seems increasingly chaotic and corroding morally and socially do not be part of its turmoil.
I set you apart and desire your mind, your work and prayers to be centered upon your eternal reward your God.

Do not consider yourself special in the fact that I have chosen you in these end times, but prepare for missions extraordinaire.
Quiet your heart in this moment and experience the beating of our hearts united as one.
It must be so if I am to use you. You are by no means doing anything on your own.

Everyone will be experiencing uniquely a sense of My presence to them personally as the Holy Spirit anoints them with His power and His gifts.
I will never force My Will on you. You are free to refuse Me in every way in every thought and work.

Oh, but if you allow Me to use you, if you surrender to Me all and believe in your God of Love, I will make of you a saint, I will use you and reward you for all eternity.

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